Eco-friendly Vakulenko Family from Tsarskoe Selo

"Stay true to your ideals both at work and at home"
There is still interest in Anton's performance of SDGs and national anthems in 15 languages at popular Russian TV-show (even half-a-year later).
This firms our believe that we managed to speak up the topic that concerns many people but mostly kept silent by mass-media. Our experience revealed that SDGs agenda touches people, even if they have never heard about global UN concept. This finding inspires us to keep on acting for SDGs!
Our local magazine “Gorodskoy Kaleidoscope” published the new article about our family.
The conversation was very sincere and versatile. Together we've called to mind how Anton started learning languages and develop vocal skills. Altogether we've looked back from the scary сerebral palsy diagnosis to the present achievements of our young polyglot and ecologist.
We tried to show that every one of us can make a positive impact. You do not need any special conditions or perfect moment. What you need is realizing what you stand on and stick to your beliefs whatever you are doing business, social or family activities.
Our family would like to lead by example showing that it is important not only promoting SDGs but also leaving everyday with regard to sustainable principles and values.
Our latest news
Education for Sustainable Development. Who is the main driving force: children or adults?
What different age groups can do to enable human survival on the Earth?
Vakulenko Family shared their experience both from the professional eco-developer and young generation of environmentalist perspectives at the first international scientific-practical conference "Environmental education for sustainable development" at MGIMO.

All Days For Future Life
Vakulenko Family supports international youth movement against Climate Change
FridaysForFuture , inspired by 16-years-old activist Greta Thunberg.
However, we urge you to pay attention to climate and sustainable development issues not only on Fridays. One day a week would not be enough!
Let's not only protest, but also learn from each other, obtain relevant knowledge about global challenges, plan and act for SDGs.
Our family believes that it is very important to act for SDGs Every Day. Our common future, survival of humankind, is depending on it!
Think about Future, Act today!
What is one family capable of to support sustainable development of our planet?

family life

Valery Vakulenko, as professional ecologist with experience, promote ecodevelopment in Russia for more then 20 year. He led Environmental Commitee at professional coalition of Realty Managers and Developers.

We built our ecohotel, as the example of ecodevelopment during scale development at Sochi before Olympic games. For residential housing at Bamboo Khutor, we invented a special type of buildings. The design of EMS is collapsible, it can be disassembled and removed without damage to the soil area.

Valery Vakulenko, as professional ecologist with experience, promote ecodevelopment in Russia for more then 20 year. He led Environmental Commitee at professional coalition of Realty Managers and Developers.

The patriotic spirit of people born in the USSR was raised in Zarnitsy. We, boys and girls, were taught the basics of military training in team competitions. In an era of global environmental disasters, the most important thing we can do for the Fatherland is to inculcate in our children the aspirations and skills to preserve the unique nature of our country, our habitat. We are reviving the tradition of Zarnits by adding the Eco prefix (Greek house). Team spirit and useful skills in a game form

We enable and promote eco-friendly, healthy vacation in our eco-hotel Bamboo Khutor in Sochi. Our guests can be calm about their carbon footprint during their stay, since our team is constantely working on more energy- and resourse- efficient ways of running the hotel. We share our knowledge to motivate people live more EcoHealthy life at home as well. To support people in healthy lifestyle we provide different tips and tricks about local opportunities, rent equipment that might be needed.

We sadly notice that many people are wasting their spare time harming their own health and environment. Vakulenko family promote the alternative lifestyle. Being eco- and healthy-minded Vakulenko family tries to bring themes of eco development and health even in their friends meetings and family gatherings. They would like to lead by example and show that there is a great choice to spend time with like-minded people enriching professionally and enhancing health.

The patriotic spirit of people born in the USSR was raised in Zarnitsy. We, boys and girls, were taught the basics of military training in team competitions. In an era of global environmental disasters, the most important thing we can do for the Fatherland is to inculcate in our children the aspirations and skills to preserve the unique nature of our country, our habitat. We are reviving the tradition of Zarnits by adding the Eco prefix (Greek house). Team spirit and useful skills in a game form
From Family Blog

About us
We are extremely concerned about the path of development that mankind is choosing.
The issue of the survival of the human species on Earth becomes the most important in our century [The Club of Rome].
We hear the term sustainable development more oftenand and start seeing the prefix eco-in many familiar words.
For our family, sustainable development is not an ephemeral concept. It is just an ordinary daily life we are all living.
Ecology is first and foremost the science of home. It teaches us how to interact with each other and with our environment to survive on the planet.
We want to share our way of living to show that sustainable development is something everyone is capable of. Only with everyone's contribution we will be able to reach it.
We want to unite our separate efforts and create a club of like-minded people EcoSanaClub. Together we can solve the key problems of the century. Save human species on our planet for the next generations.
From our life and professional experience, we have identified four fundamental areas of life for development that will help in sound personal development: Education, Health, Survival Skills and Culture.
We sincerely hope that our experience will help you to acquire the skills and habits necessary to preserve our home safe for our children.