Anton Vakulenko lead Climate Action lesson during COP 24
December 11, 2018
Anton told his classmates, 4a class of Pushkinsky Lyceum №410, about Sustaibnable Development Goals UN. Since the lesson was during COP24, the Goal 13 - Climate Action was highlighted.
Children disscussed how they can contribute to the Climate change mitigation by their daily habits.
To help their falimies live more sustainable life at home children draw posters about new eco-friendly habits they want to follow altogether.
Anton Vakulenko performed SDGs in 15 languages on Russian leading TV-channel
November 10, 2018
Our son, 11-year-old polyglot, singer, ecologist participated at "Best of all" TV-show for gifted kids.
He performed in 15 languages declaring the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and singing national antems of various countries.
Despite the unformatted topic, his performance gathered millions of views after the show at YouTube, tens of thousands of likes and thousands of amazing supportive comments from audience.
Our family is trully touched by this warm response and greatful to every one who get in touch with us!
We believe that such unusual (for the show) interest in Anton's performance revials that values and ideas of sustainable development is touching many people even if they've never heart about UN SDGs.
A lot of people are tired of inefficient policymaking and see the urgent need to act4SDGs.
Intelligent people from Russia and other countries do not want conflicts, but peace, friendship and health to their descendants, themselves and other people on Earth!

Valery Vakulenko joined Global Climate Action Summit in San Francicso
September 14, 2018
From September 12 to 14, 2018, the California authorities held a Global Summit of Climate Action. The event brought together leaders from around the world, representing climate initiatives of cities, regions and businesses.
Valery Vakulenko took an active part during this week in different Summit events.
Details about the family trip to the US and the Global Climate Summit will soon appear in our Blog.

Valery Vakulenko was re-elected to the Board of the Russian Green Building Council RuGBC
July 05, 2018
July 6, 2018 in Moscow was held the General Assembly of the Russian Green Building Council RuGBC.
At the Meeting, two main tasks were solved: they analyzed the work of the Board of the Council for the last two years and re-elected the Partnership Board.
The composition of the board in 2018 is almost twicely reduced. Ten people were elected to the Board of the Council.
Each candidate addressed his colleagues with proposals for the development of the Council.
Valery proposed to expand cooperation with colleagues from related areas. Strong potential is in joining forces with medicine. Specialists can assess the impact of the constructed facilities and the urban environment on human health.
The synergy of preventive medicine and the construction industry will improve health and increase the life expectancy of the population.
In order to exchange experience, Valery advocated the expansion of international cooperation. It is necessary to use best practices for the benefit of Russia's development!
June 08, 2018
From the problems of ecology do not hide - this is our habitat!
Valery Vakulenko, enthusiast from Tsarskoye Selo with the experience in this seemingly hopeless affair, proved by his example to the listeners of Echo Petersburg that everything is possible: to preserve nature and to engage in business, and to lead people to live eco-friendly daily life.
Valery Vakulenko is convinced that the preservation of the surrounding natural environment is of paramount importance.
An economist by education and a successful businessman with many years of experience, Valery is sure that economic efficiency is impossible without environmental efficiency and vice versa.
In the interview, various aspects of the relationship between economy and ecology are touched upon. Why is it so important to preserve our nature? Is it worth waiting for actions and support from the authorities or to take up the case yourself? What should Russia learn from international experience? Are Russians ready to pay for environmental well-being?
Valery shares his experience as his own forces to achieve a positive environmental effect. Describes what results can be achieved by the Pushkin Public Council. It shows why it is economically disadvantageous to pursue only the immediate economic benefits.
On the example of his eco-hotel "Bambuk-Khutor" in Sochi, Valery Vakulenko shows how to make friends with the economic and environmental component of the development of the territories.
May 17, 2018
15 - 17 may 2018г. in Moscow was the 1st international Forum "Sustainable Development and Cities of the Future: Economy, Wellbeing, Ecology". IC Ecoestate was a strategic partner of this event.
Unique for Russia event devoted to development of healthy and sustainable cities in Russia. The Forum Aim – to bring together the government, over 100 leading companies, scientists and speakers to promote smart and healthy cities idea and bring it to reality.
Valery Vakulenko presented the formula of creation environmentally friendly, healthy real estate and settlements - ECOSANACLUB. He follows the concept in his professional career more than 25 years. The formula is applicable in projects of different scale: in local eco-tuning of apartments or private houses; a regional project of advocating sustainable development of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg Tsarskoe Selo; a global project of portal for sustainable development. ECOSANACLUB is a guidance for Valeriy Vakulenko and his team during creation and exploitation of eco-hotel and development of eco-village.
Go to the Valery's presentation by the link
On the morning of April 12 the Alley of Sport was plant. Planting trees was held in the park of the Krasnodar Academic Drama Theater.
It was initiated by Valery Vakulenko, a member of the Board of the Russian Council for Green Building, RuGBC, and with the support of the weekly magazine "Yug Times".
Activists of the Institute of Culture met Valery Vakulenko on the territory of the future sports stadium for students. In the next few years, a modern coating will be laid here, and all conditions for sports are created. One of these conditions is a healthy environment.
April 02, 2018
Members of the Board of the Council for Environmental Construction Valery Vakulenko, Larisa Sukhodolskaya and Andrey Benuzh and Executive Director of the Council Elena Kozlova participated in the International Forum "Ecology".