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Excerpts from the Family head's Professional Portfolio
Valery Mihailovich Vakulenko

Born in Sochi
Family: married, 4 sons
Working in Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo), Saint Petersburg; Sochi; Finland
Laureate of the Triumph contest hold by "Ug Times"with the support of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar Region
The author of the concept, president and owner of the "first unique eco-hotel in the city of Sochi" Bambuk-Khutor
Chairman of Pushkinsky (Tsarskoe Selo) Public Council on Sustainable Development
President of Innovation Center of Eco-development ECOESTATE™
Member of the board of Russian Green Building Council (RuGBC)
Head of the Sochi Workgroup, Representative for Sochi and Krasnodar Region and associated member of the RuGBC
Founder of the Committee for International Relations and the Committee on Ecology and Energy Efficiency Real Estate on the base of Guild of Managers and Developers of Russia
The Commissioner for Energy Efficiency and the Environment of the European CEPI Association
TheMember of NAR (National Association of Realtors USA)
Experties in areas
Promotion of methods and tools for Green Building, Sustanable Development, Eco-Renovation
Consalting in real estate area in Saint Petersburg, Finland, Sochi
Development, marketing, implementation of development, investment projects in commercial real estate, property management
1975-1982 the State Marine Technical University of Saint-Petersburg
1983-1988 Post-graduate study in Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
1995-1998 NAR U.S.A, CIPS – Certified International Property Specialist in the field of International Real Estate).
2000 Suffolk University. Studied and had training in profile company on commercial real estate and investments (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A)
2000-2002 CCIM Institute (an affilliate of NAR U.S.A). for commercial real estate and investments CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) and received appropriate certificate (CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member)
2003-2006 – Participated in different conferences on topics of urban planning, development, investments, commercial real estate, state-private partnership on MIPIM (Cannes), in London and St. Petersburg.
Professional Experience
1990-Present – Founder and President of the corporate group “ROST” (specializing in investment projects, development, consulting and brokerage in the field of real estate, management system, internet technology)
1988-1990 – Manager of the research-and-production cooperative “GAOS” (adaptable automated training systems)
1985-88 – Organizer and the head of the Council of Young Scientists and Experts (more than 35.000 members)
1982-88 – Science officer of the Central (head) Scientific Research Institute of Economics, Management and Information Science for the shipbuilding industry (a state defensive and industrial corporation with 1.5 million staff).
1988–1990, manager of research-and-production cooperative «GAOS» (adaptable automatized training systems)
1990–н.вр., founder and President of group of companies “ROST” (investment projects, development, consulting and brokerage in the field of real estate, management system, Internet technologies)
1997–2003, Assoasiation of realtors of Saint Petersburg, Head of Committee of foreign relations
2003-2010: Founder and Chairman of the International Relations Committee at the GMD
2005-2010 Member of Committee (on the Saint Petersburg government basis) on 300 year Pushikin (Tsarskoe Selo) anniversary preparation к 300-летнему юбилею г.Пушкина (Царское Село), workgroup on estate
2004-наст.вр, International Delphic adviser
2008: Initiated creation of the Eco-Development Committee (2010: renamed to the Committee on Real Estate Sustainability and Energy Efficiency) at the Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers (GMD)
2010 г. – Jury member International «Green Awards» competition (held by GMD) in nomenclature “Social real estate” (health clubs, medical, educational etc.). Initiator, developed main concept and rules
2008–2011, CEPI (European Association of Real Estate Professions), authorized person in energyefficiency and environment
2009–present, Innovation center of Eco-Development «ECOESTATE», President
2010–present, Russian Green Building Council (RuGBC), associated member of the board
Head of the Sochi Workgroup, Representative for Sochi and Krasnodar Region
2012-2015, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk, founder and head of Committe on ecodevelopment
2015-present, Founder and Chairman of Public Council on sustainable development of Pushkin district of Saint Petersburg
Public work and membership in professional and public organizations
2005-Present – Member of the Committee (under government of Saint-Petersburg) on preparing for 300 years anniversary of Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo), working group on real estate, investment projects and international relations
2005-Present – Membership in public and professional organizations: National Association of Realtors (USA), Russian Guild of Realtors, Guild of Managers and Developers of Commercial and Industrial Real Estate
and others.
2004-Present – International Delphic Council
2003-Present – The head of International Committee of Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers
2003-Present – The head of the International Committee of the Realtors’ Association of Saint-Petersburg
1997-2003 – The head of Committee of internal relations of Saint-Petersburg realtors’ Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk and others
Social activities and membership at professional and civil society organizations
Public work and membership in professional and public organizations
Since 2005 till present time – the member of the Committee (under government of Saint-Petersburg) on preparing for 300 years anniversary of Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo), working group on real estate, investment projects and international relations,
membership in public and professional organizations: National Association of realtors (USA), Russian Guild of realtors, Guild of managers and developers of commercial and industrial real estate and others.
Since 1997 till 2003 – the head of Committee of internal relations of Saint-Petersburg realtors’ Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pushkin and Pavlovsk and others.
Since 2004 till present time – International Delphic Council.
Since 2003 till present – the head of International Committee of Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers
Since 1997 till 2003 – the head of the International Committee of Realtors’ Association of Saint-Petersburg.
Profile exhibitions, conferences etc. experience
International forums of the magazine «Businessweek» 1996, 1998;
the first-rate international real estate exhibition in Cannes – MIPIM 1999, 2000, 2002, 2006;
NAR USA Congress 1997, 1999, 2000;
the world-wide federation of real estate specialists - FIABCI 2004;
Central European Real Estate Associations Network - CEREAN 2004;
RGR congresses 1994-2005, Russian Guild of Managers and Developers 2003-2005,
Saint-Petersburg economic forum, international economic forum in Sochi etc.
Published announcement of the author and about the author
More than 150 different interviews and published announcement of the author and about the author in the municipal, regional and federal issues including leading business issues “Business Petersburg”, magazine “Top-Manager” (№7-8 2004, №7-8 2005, №2, №3, №4 2006) etc. Since 1997 personal information and information about the Company has being published in such reference books as “Who is who in Business Petersburg”, «Who is who in international real estate” etc.
Awards and titles of honour
2018 Award UG-TIMES «Triumph in Estate» for the project "ecohotel Bamboo Khutor"
2018 Gratitude Letter for laying tree alleys on the territory of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture and landscaping of the Krasnodar Drama Theater
2016 Diploma for participation in conducting III All-Russian Forum Living cities in Saint Petersburg
2015 грамота Санкт-Петербургского и Ладожского Митрополита за усердные труды во славу Церкви
2008 Order of Honor and Gignity «Russia Sovereign»
2007 Diploma and medal «For Valorous work for the Glory of the Motherland»
2006 National certificate «Top manager of Russian Frederation»